Marjorie Murray

Doctor en Antropología Social, University College London

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Mi investigación se concentra en las áreas de cultura material, consumo, parentalidad y crianza. A partir del estudio de diversos géneros de cultura material en la vida cotidiana, en mi doctorado estudié la configuración de la cosmología, la persona y el 'self' en la ciudad de Madrid. Si bien en ese estudio abordé temáticas de parentesco y parentalidad, ha sido en mi trabajo en Chile donde me he enfocado específicamente en el estudio de la parentalidad, con especial foco en la maternidad de niños pequeños, y cómo ésta se despliega en distintos contextos sociodemográficos en Chile. Abordando instancias concretas como son el parto, la lactancia, el cuidado de los niños y la relación de los padres con el conocimiento experto y el Estado, entre otros, analizo cómo se configuran y articulan estas prácticas en el contexto de las transformaciones sociales, económicas y políticas en el Chile contemporáneo.

  • English Bio

    My research focuses on the areas of material culture, consumption, parenting and childrearing. Based on the study of different genres of material culture in everyday life, in my PhD research I studied the configuration of cosmology, personhood and the self in Madrid. In my work in Chile I have concentrated in the study of parenting, with a particular focus on mothering of young children and how it unfolds in different socio-demographic contexts in Chile. By tackling concrete instances such as childbirth, breastfeeding, childcare and parental relationship with expert knowledge and the State, among others, I analyse how these practices are configured and articulated in the context of social, economical and political transformation in contemporary Chile.

Publicaciones Seleccionadas
  • 2021- Murray M, Tizzoni C. Raising children in hostile worlds in Santiago de Chile: Optimism and ‘hyper-agentic’ mothers. The Sociological Review. November 1. doi:10.1177/00380261211056169
  • 2021- Murray, M, Tapia, D. Nobody’s Perfect: Making sense of a parenting skills workshop through ethnographic research in a low-income neighbourhood in Santiago de Chile. Critical Social Policy. January 2021. doi:10.1177/0261018320983988

  • 2018- Murray, M. and Cabaña, G.. Beyond cash, beyond conditional: Ingreso Ético Familiar and the senses of poverty in a group of Mapuche women. In: Money from the Government in Latin America. Conditional Cash Transfer Programs and Rural Lives. edited by E. Balen and M. Fotta. London and New York: Routledge.

  • 2017 - Buschmann, J., Homad-Hamam, G., Cabaña, G., y Murray M., (2017). Manual de Antropología y Medios, Santiago, Chile: Escuela de Antropología UC. (Link)

  • 2017 - Murray, M., Bowen, S., Verdugo, M. and Holtmannspötter, J. Care and Relatedness among Rural Mapuche Women: Issues of Cariño and Empathy. Ethos, 45: 367–385. doi:10.1111/etho.12171

  • 2017 - Morelli, G. Chaudhary, N. Murray, M., Gottlieb, A. Keller, H. Quinn, N. Rosabel, M. Scheidecker, G Takada, T, Vicedo, M. Taking Culture Seriously: A Pluralistic Approach to Attachment. In: The Cultural Nature of Attachment: Contextualizing Relationships and Development, edited by H. Keller and K. A. Bard. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 22, J. Lupp, series editor. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 2017. pp. 139-170.

  • 2015 - Murray, M., S. Bowen, N. Segura, M. Verdugo. Apprehending Volition in Early Socialization: Raising “Little Persons” among Rural Mapuche Families: ETHOS.

  • 2015 - Back to work? Childcare and guilt during the first year in Santiago de Chile. Journal of Family Issues. 36: 1171-1191

  • 2015 - Faircloth, C. and Murray, M. Parenting: Kinship, Expertise and Anxiety. Introduction to Special Issue. 'Parenting: Kinship, expertise and anxiety' Journal of family Issues (1-15) Editores: Marjorie Murray y Charlotte Faircloth.

  • 2013 - ‘Staying with the baby’: intensive mothering and social mobility in Santiago de Chile. In Faircloth, C. Hoffman, D and Layne, L. (eds.) Parenting in Global Perspective. London: Routledge.

  • 2012 - Childbirth in Santiago de Chile: Stratification, Intervention, and Child Centeredness. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 26(3):319-337.

Cursos Dictados
  • Etnografía

  • Antropología Urbana

  • Teoría Antropológica

  • Antropología del Consumo